Team Member Spotlight: Christian Arnold


This month’s “Team Member Spotlight” gives a shoutout to our current apprentice - Christian Arnold!

Christian began his apprenticeship with YouthHOPE in April of this year. “I have been learning about global youth work, helping to better communicate the design of our organization, and editing the textbooks and lesson plans that we have designed. I am apprenticing with YouthHOPE in order to train in the area of global youth ministry before we head to do mission work on the field in Ireland next year.”

Christian understands the great need for people to come alongside youth all over the world. “At the same time that youth are discovering who they are and who God has called them to be, their lives are being influenced by social, cultural, political, mental, and economic factors - both positive and negative - that they have no control over. Therefore, it is pivotal that they have godly youth leaders who will walk with them through these times and help them to see God's plan for their life.”

Christian has enjoyed working with the YouthHOPE team and is excited to travel on his first trip with YouthHOPE this Fall.

To learn more about Christian Arnold and his passion for global youth, visit