spreading Hope Since 2008

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Our Mission

YouthHOPE exists to transform the lives of global youth by equipping the Church to meet their holistic needs. 

Our Process


Our Story

“We do their funerals.”

This was a pastor’s response when asked how the South African church responded to the reality that 1 in 4 of their youth were dying each year from AIDS. God used that comment and experience in 2006 to cause us to realize that the model for youth ministry the church has used in the past is not contextual or holistic.

In 2008, YouthHOPE was born as a ministry of New International. Since then, YouthHOPE has:

  • Developed 3 significant programs and curriculums (Youth Leadership Academy, Youth Ministry Leadership Training, and the School for Youth Ministry Trainers).

  • Trained youth and youth workers globally who have trained others in their context.

  • Influenced thousands of youth (directly and indirectly).

  • Been a catalyst for new ministries including:

For over 10 years YouthHOPE and its partners have trained youth and youth workers in more than 35 different countries!

YouthHOPE is a partner organization of the Converge Network for Global Youth Ministry


Do you want to make a difference in the lives of global youth?

