Team Member Spotlight: Jesse Frame

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Welcome back to our Team Member Spotlight of the month! This month we’d like to share about our Director of Programming, Jessie Frame!

Jesse began at New International in 2008 and after serving in Australia joined YouthHOPE in 2013. Jesse is extremely passionate about the global, yet relational ministry of YouthHOPE. “Youth ministry changed the trajectory of my life. I believe every young person around the world deserved to have a mature Christian leader who cares for them and helps them to navigate a difficult season of life.”

As one of our longest serving teammates, Jesse has experienced a lot during his ministry. “I've had the privilege of training youth workers in nearly 20 different countries. It's hard to choose a favorite anything... Something that means a lot to me is hearing stories from our partners about how youth are not only being discipled but how their lives are being changed -- whether through health, education, opportunities, churches or youth ministries being started.”

Jesse knows that youth are not just the leaders of tomorrow, but understand that issues of today. “Youth will lead the Church through all of the most difficult issues on the table today: immigration, the growing LGBTQ community, new forms of persecution, continued globalization, mega-shifts in technology, the new mental health crisis, and more. Churches will struggle in all these areas without the leadership and insight of their youngest members.”

To learn about Jesse and his passion for global youth, visit