Team Member Spotlight: Rebekah Saum


It’s another exciting “Team Member Spotlight”! This month’s spotlight is Rebekah Saum!

Rebekah joined the YouthHOPE team as an apprentice in March of 2018 and has since become a full-time teammate serving as the Regional Liaison for Africa and the Americas. Her main focus is to care for our partners and global youth workers in those areas as well as help coordinate events in those regions.

Rebekah is extremely passionate about the work of YouthHOPE. “From my own experience, I know that having a trained youth worker and/or mentor can radically impact the life of a young person to not only improve their life, but to help them live out their calling as a follower of Christ. I love that we get to impact the lives of countless young people by investing in the local leaders who serve them.”

One of Rebekah’s favorite memories with YouthHOPE occurred during a session at the School of Youth Ministry Trainers (SYMT) in Kenya. “I got to pick up our participants in the capital city and observe as they saw each other again after 6 months. Watching them heartily embrace and share the joy and excitement of being together again was beautiful. So many of them are without a network of other youth workers in their region to support and encourage them. It was so powerful to see that because of SYMT they now have a community of other youth workers they can rely on for support in their youth ministry journey.”

Rebekah is an amazing addition to the YouthHOPE team, and is amazing at helping us stay connected with global youth leaders. To learn more about Rebekah’s ministry, visit