New Look, Same Passion for Global Youth


YouthHOPE has recently undergone rebranding of our organization. With a new logo, graphics, and website, we hope to better communicate the vision of our ministry.

For over 10 years, we have trained youth workers have impacted the lives of thousands of global youth in more than 35 countries. Advocating and sharing the issues facing global youth is essential to our ministry. This rebrand will allow us to partner, equip, and multiply youth workers who will be able to give hope to youth around the world. We invite you to share our ministry and stories about global youth with friends, family, churches, and universities. We are thankful for your support of our ministry over the past 10 years, and look forward to what God will do through YouthHOPE in the coming years!

For more information about YouthHOPE and our ministry, check out the rest of our new website, and follow us on social media! YouthHOPE is a ministry of New International that exists to transform the lives of global youth by equipping the church to meet their holistic needs.