Rest. Celebration. Training.

We all need a day of rest. We all like to celebrate important accomplishments. We all could use training to grow in our faith, knowledge, and skills. Fortunately for us, our churches have created ways to access, practice, or receive all of these things. For the youth and youth home workers in Chiang Mai, Thailand with whom Prosperous Youth Foundation (PYF) works, however, these important components to a healthy life are not always (if ever) present.

One of our core values at YouthHOPE is “Relationships.” We live out this value by forming partnerships with other people, ministries and organizations. In 2014, Ends Cycling hosted its annual Key West Bike Ride and Run (KWBR)* to support PYF in its efforts to reach the youth of Thailand. The funds raised during this week-long event are still yielding fruit today!

This year, PYF will continue a program focusing on providing a day of rest (or team building) for staff of youth homes. They take over the daily responsibilities and provide programming for the youth. Through this tangible servicer, these workers are reminded that someone is there supporting what they do.

Also in the works for 2016 are 2 new programs funded in part by the KWBR. First, each year a new group of students transition out of living in a youth home, usually due to completing their secondary education. PYF will create an event celebrating that accomplishment and marking it as an important time of transition, while also warning of potential troubles the students could face as they leave the structure and support of the youth home. Second, with the success of PYF’s other programming, many youth have made public commitments to pursue ministry. PYF plans on creating a discipleship and training program to reach out to these youth specifically to prepare them biblically and practically to be servant leaders now and in the future.

Rest. Celebration. Training. We all need them. Would you commit to praying this week for PYF, their team, their ministry, and the youth homes with which they partner? With your prayerful support, these youth homes will become a place where God’s Spirit is welcome and active, transforming lives of youth in Chiang Mai, and ultimately, transforming Thailand.

*Visit for more information about their ministry and events.