Bringing Peace to Chaos: Youth and Mental Health

How do we as youth workers engage in the dialogue of youth and mental health? Aren’t the “professionals” supposed to handle all the problems? While it's true that youth workers will likely have conversations that require professional intervention, it is foolish to believe that when problems get too big we need to shrink away completely. Through the power of the Holy Spirit we have the ability to bring peace to every situation: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.” John 14:27

Our favorite way to bring this peace is to make each moment count -- fill the time you do have together with joy even when the future looks hopeless. Secondly, stay involved. It is not inappropriate to offer to pray with a hurting family, take a meal, or write a letter. Pray about ways you can show the love of Christ during an often, very lonely or devastating time.  Finally, be sure to affirm reality: the worth you see in them and the worth Christ sees in them. Begin by calling each individual by their God given name: beloved. You can never underestimate the raw power of love.

In the midst of chaos, peace.