Investing in the "Least of These"

Working with youth with special needs can be challenging, yet rewarding. Personally my time spent with special needs youth has been limited. I have friends who foster special needs children and when I served as a youth pastor, I was able to serve a few youth with special needs, but still my exposure was limited.

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In the Ukraine, orphaned youth with special needs are forced to move into asylums when they turn 18. This move does not give them a future filled with hope. They do not receive further education, training, or skill development that would set them up for success. Instead, they are left as they are…forgotten…unwanted…exiled...even unloved.

However, YouthHOPE has a great resource and partner in the Ukraine.  Her name is Alys and she loves and gives a voice to “the least of these.” Her calling is to youth and children with special needs. She is currently working on a project that will allow youth from her orphanage to transition as an adult into a home that will provide education, life skill development, and HOPE. In May, YouthHOPE partnered with Alys to send teams to help with the construction of Stephen’s Home.

Find out how you can help YouthHOPE’s work in the Ukraine, as well as be a blessing to those who those who have been forgotten or marginalized by society.