Human Trafficking Awareness

In 2013 a YouthHOPE intern embarked on a journey to report the realities of youth living in developing nations. When she returned to the office, her stories ignited our passion for injustice. Although our partners in the field work daily with the realities and consequences of modern day slavery, it is hard to grasp the reality of loss and darkness, of fear and anguish.

Youth are being torn from their homes to live in the nightmare of sex slavery… all the while shame and poverty are keeping them hostage.

For many, the future doesn’t hold promise. Instead, the chains of slavery and darkness devour their hope. The “flesh trade” is a real thing and it is happening all over the world and growing more and more each day.

If you were asked about human trafficking, would you know that:

  • Human trafficking, also known as the flesh trade, generates around $150 billion per year, second only to drug trafficking?

  • There are more slaves today than any time in human history - an estimated 2 million people are enslaved every year and around 27 million are enslaved today?

  • Watching porn (and similar activities) increases the demand for sex trafficking?

  • You have probably seen or met a victim?

YouthHOPE chooses to stand against the injustice of modern day slavery; to provide a voice to the voiceless and hope to the hopeless. You can too. It is as easy as sharing this blog with a friend or co-worker, neighbor or family member. Will you stand up for injustice with us? Please join us in praying for the millions of victims that face this reality that is engulfing the world. Together, we can transform the lives of global youth.

For further information, see: