New YouthHOPE Merchandise Store

We are excited to announce the creation of our new online store where partners like you can purchase merchandise and support the work of YouthHOPE!

The creation of our new branding last year made us want to put our new logos on everything! In our store, you can find shirts, hoodies, bags, stickers, and much more. Through the creation of our new store, we wanted to raise awareness for the need for youth workers in every part of the world.

On our new store, you can find many different collections such as:

  • The Hope for Youth Collection, which tells about the mission of YouthHOPE to provide the hope of Christ to youth around the world to those who were once hopeless.

  • The Partner. Equip. Multiply. Collection, which highlights YouthHOPE’s strategy in partnering with local youth workers, equipping them with the resources they need to help youth think and live like Jesus, and multiplying their impact in their communities.

  • The Ambassador Collection, which allows you to represent the mission and ministry of YouthHOPE with double-sided apparel that empowers you to share the story of global youth.


We are so excited that we can give this new opportunity to our supporters to spread the word about the need to raise up godly youth workers around the world. 100% of the profits from purchases in our new store will go towards supporting the work of global youth ministry.

Ready to shop? Start here.