Team Member Spotlight: Scott Ribble

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Welcome back to our “Team Member Spotlight” series! This month we would like to shine a spotlight on Scott Ribble!

Scott has been with the YouthHOPE team since August of 2017 and is currently serving as our Strategic Initiatives and Program Manager. “Most of my current work is development of back end operational systems - like CRM (Customer Relations Management), travel management, and financial processes - to help our team be as effective as possible.”

While Scott does not get to travel as much as the rest of the team, he truly cherishes the time he does get to spend working globally. “I really enjoyed meeting our several of our partners in person at our Youth Ministry Summit and YMLT in Kenya last year.”

“I'm convinced that investing in youth for the Kingdom of God is one of the most strategic ways to spread the hope of the good news of Jesus to see lives be transformed by that hope. Every young person we meet has access to countless people we will never meet, and they have the opportunity and position to be used by God to experience and spread His good news in places and ways that we can't even imagine.”

Scott is essential to our team and helps us to maximize our potential here at YouthHOPE. To learn more about Scott’s ministry, visit