Youth Leadership in the Philippines

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YouthHOPE’s newest program, Youth Leadership Academy (YLA), has begun with great success. In May, we were able to invest in the lives of 50 youth in Mindanao, a southern province in the Philippines. We launched YLA in November and December of 2017 in Kenya and Thailand. The program is specifically designed for youth ages 15-24 to develop biblical leadership skills, enhance spiritual formation, and create a community action plan to positively impact their schools, communities, and church.


These students were deeply engaged and took the development of the Community Action Plan seriously. For many, it was the first time they heard that God created them for a purpose and had called and equipped them to serve others. This could go a long way in seeing the lives of others being transformed in Jesus’ Name.

We have heard several stories of these plans being put into action. This last week, a pastor’s wife shared about youth from their church who had successfully began a bi-weekly feeding program for over 30 children in their village. During the feeding program, these youth also lead games, songs, and a Bible story sharing the hope found in Jesus. This was accomplished without the help of church leaders or other adults. We are excited that youth are believing they have the ability to serve Jesus NOW and not wait until they are “adults”.