Global Youth Ministry Summit


Several experiences in my own life have taught me that people need to be cared for and encouraged. We all have moments where we need someone to invest kindness and care in our lives. Sometimes we need people to give us permission to rest. That is the lens I was looking through as we prepared for and held the Global Youth Worker Summit in Kenya.

I had the privilege of communicating with a lot of the invitees before the Summit and I also had some one-on-one time with most of them during the Summit. I learned that each one had their own set of challenges they were facing as they came to the Summit.


What was so special for me during this trip was that God gave us the opportunity to do much more for these servants than simply welcome them and give them a room to stay. We got to create a space for them where they could learn from each other, create new relationships, be reminded of why they do what they do, learn new things, and be inspired to continue to invest in the lives of young people.

I know without a doubt that each one of these servants of God left the Summit feeling valued, cared for, and invested in not only by the YouthHOPE team, but by each other. And not because of what they do or what they can produce, but for who they are. They all left saying how encouraged and inspired they were to keep serving the youth of their communities. It's just amazing to me that God lets us be a part of that