Cycling for Youth Workers in Africa

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One of YH’s major partners is Ends of the Earth Cycling, which is also a ministry of New International.  Ends of the Earth Cycling exists to promote and resource global youth ministries. We believe that through unique opportunities like the Key West Bike Ride, cyclists can be empowered to tell the story and provide resources for some incredible global youth ministry efforts. This is one of five domestic tours that will impact tens of thousands of youth in Africa and Asia. The Key West bike ride will be highlighting a ministry investing in the lives of youth in Africa. If you are a cyclist (or desire to support cyclists on this ride), we want to share with you the impact you will have. You’ll be part of helping continue the work at YouthHOPE’s School of Youth Ministry Trainers in Africa.

  • Training local youth ministry trainers. This is a new strategy that YouthHOPE launched in 2017. And we believe it is one of the most important ways we can ensure youth have leaders and mentors who are equipped to invest holistically in their lives. We are not just training youth pastors but training leaders to continue to raise up youth workers in their churches and communities.

  • 2nd School of Youth Ministry Trainers. In 2017, we trained youth ministry trainers from India, Bhutan, Nepal, and the Philippines, and they have already trained hundreds of workers, more than we were able to train in Asia over the last three years. We believe the same will happen in Kenya, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Uganda, Rwanda, and Congo as we launch in August.

  • Multiplication instead of just addition. We are excited about how this will exponentially impact more youth than we could ever imagine. It’s like shifting your bike onto the big ring. You get so much more output than you put into it. We estimate that this project will touch the lives of more than 50,000 African youth over the next three years. It is our hope and prayer that most of them will then be able to experience the saving and transforming love of Jesus Christ.

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