Do You Really Want to Make a Difference?

Yesterday, the CEO from our missions organization shared a devotional message about being busy. One of his points was to make sure that we are focusing on what is the most important. He cited Ephesians 5:15-16 “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” I really resonate with this. It makes me think about what is the best way I can invest my time, treasure and talents.  And that’s why I have dedicated my life to global youth ministry.

A colleague of mine who heads the community development area of our organization recently shared this article with me from a international development website.

My friend wrote in his email to me, “I know you've been saying this for years; a few in the secular development field are now agreeing. Feel encouraged.”  

I encourage you to read this article, but here are a few bullet points that drive my point home.

  • Did you know nearly half of the world’s population is under 25 years old?

  • They want to be heard, valued and considered as partners in development, for they are the ones who will live with decisions made today.

  • What we need is not fewer youth, it’s more trust in the many that we have.

  • It’s my hope, however, that the conversation shifts toward seeing youth as our greatest asset.

So join with YouthHOPE and be a voice. Advocate with us that more churches, ministries, and missions organizations will recognize that one of the most important ways they can invest their time and resources is in global youth ministry.