Meet Mark the Rapper...

Last fall, we had the great privilege of leading a Youth Ministry Leadership Training with a network of ministry leaders in an Asian country with security concerns.

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An outgoing young man named Mark was a new intern with the host ministry. He was also our driver for the week. The first time he picked us up, he asked, “Do you like rap music?” I said yes. Then he asked, “Can you rap?” I said no! So Mark gave us a demonstration of his rapping skills in English and Chinese. I could tell that Mark was the type of guy who just goes for it.

During the training week, Mark shared his heart for reaching his peers--college students. Our training programs lead participants through a process for creating an action plan. Each person leaves the training knowing exactly what their next steps for implementation are for the next week and the next year. Mark’s was clear: he was going to gather a group of college students, find out what they are passionate about, create a plan, and lead them to serve their city.

About 2 weeks after getting home I received a text message with a picture and some of my favorite words: “Mark has started his action plan!”

I’m eagerly waiting to hear what great things they accomplish.