THIS was why God sent us to Moldova

"I'm experiencing burnout. I'm tired and worn out. I am just about done with youth ministry."

"I am the only youth worker in my village. I don't know how much longer I can do it."

"It really doesn't appear that our church cares about youth."

These are some of the statements shared with me at the beginning of the YMLT in Moldova. Honestly, it broke my heart. Here was a group of men and women investing in the next generation...yet extremely worn out, burned out, and ready to give up. These are my people. They are doing what I love to do. My heart was heavy and burdened for them.


THIS was why God sent us to Moldova.

THIS was for men like Eugen, Igor, and Pavel and women like Anna, Snejana, and Lydia...and ultimately for the youth of Moldova.

Our intention with YMLT is always to equip nationals with tools and Biblical principles of youth ministry so they can directly impact youth in their cultural context. By the end of our time with these leaders, joy and encouragement flowed and passion was restored. Those who were burned out or discouraged were sharing with us ways God had done a great work through the training. Here were some of their responses:

"I feel like my batteries have been recharged. I feel more prepared to lead youth better than ever before."

"This has been the best training seminar I have been a part of. I am excited to do ministry again."

"I used to focus on the programs. You have taught us that people are more important than programs. I now know what I need to do to be successful in youth ministry."