Bezalel Movement: Reaching the Youth of Jacmel, Haiti

We saved this guest blog due to the first ride for Haiti taking place this month. Please pray for the Great Lakes Bike Ride in Michigan (June 18-23) which will benefit youth ministry in Haiti. 

Justin Hanneken, Executive Director, Ends of the Earth Cycling

My name is Justin Hanneken and I serve as Executive Director of Ends of the Earth Cycling, a ministry of NI.  Ends Cycling works closely with YouthHOPE as we host long-distance cycling tours and tell the story of youth ministries in the nations.  Lord willing, we will host 7 tours in 2016, and 2 of them are for the youth of Haiti.

In early January, Paul Moelker and I traveled to Jacmel, Haiti to spend a few days with the staff of Bezalel Movement.  Bezalel got it’s name from Exodus 31:1-11 where God chooses a man named Bezalel to do His work – specifically with regards to the artistry of the Temple.  Started by Nego & Ellen Pierre-Louis, Bezalel Movement is founded upon 3 pillars:

1.       Mobilizing Youth

2.       Equipping Youth

3.       Training Youth

Their ministry plays out in so many different ways, some of which are tutoring, sewing, skills classes, hospital outreach and more.

During our short time in Jacmel, we were able to meet almost all of the 14 youth workers volunteering on staff.  We got to meet brothers like Davidson who came out of the Rah-rah bands that would participate in a pagan festival and worship demons.  Jesus is truly doing a new work thru Bezalel Movement as they reach the youth of Haiti for Christ.